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TEACHER TRAININGSpatial & Geometric Concepts

Creative movement takes geometry off the board and into students’ minds and bodies.

Students work together to build and manipulate shapes using stretchy dance bands.

Children explore lines, angles, 2-dimensional shapes, 3-dimensional shapes, shape transformations, symmetry, and more!

When children use their imaginations to create geometric forms in their bodies, they internalize their thinking. This leads to deeper understanding.

Our Title I School with 90% Free or Reduced Lunch requires a consultant who understands this population. Ms. Daft came to model lessons in our classrooms and then lead highly effective teacher training. It is very powerful when teachers see effective strategies being demonstrated with “their children.” It breaks down that barrier of “this can not be done with my children.

Stephanie Price   |   Principal, Monaview Elementary, Greenville SC

Workshops Available

In this arts integration STEM program children use creative movement to explore geometry. Learning moves off the page and into the children’s minds and bodies when they physically flip and rotate lines and shapes through space. Research shows that creative movement adds a powerful dimension to the development of spatial reasoning!

Other Pillars of Moving Through Math

Pattern Foundations

Students learn how patterns are the building blocks of math

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Grouping Games

Students plan, rehearse, and perform mathematical scenarios

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Toy Stories

Young students tell stories that bring math concepts to life.

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Math Talks

Students observe, discuss, and describe what they see

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