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TEACHER TRAININGImaginary Journeys through Movement and Sound: 4-Session Course

In the first two course sessions, teachers learn to help students listen, move, and act out Imaginary Journeys
as a classroom learning team.

In the 3rd course session, educators discover how to help students act out short stories with embedded math concepts.
Students retell their stories orally or in writing. Students draw story maps or write equations to demonstrate their understanding.

In the final course session, experience Imaginary Journeys that enact natural life cycles and other events from science. See how student story mapping becomes rich and detailed as students deepen their visualization skills!

When children feel literacy, math, and science concepts in their bodies, and visualize these ideas in their minds,
they internalize their thinking. This leads to deeper and longer-lasting learning.

About this Workshop

Learning in early childhood crosses traditional boundaries – it relies on integrating imagination, sound, visualization, and movement. In this 4-session arts integration course, PreK-2 educators learn to lead Imaginary Journeys designed to teach these skills. You’ll learn how to how to play simple classroom instruments (shaker, hand drum, slide whistle) and create multi-sensory experiences that help students focus, imagine, and learn throughout the curriculum.

In the 1st session, learn to establish listening and moving cues that help students focus and cooperate, while strengthening their executive function.

In the 2nd session, discover how to lead Imaginary Journeys that focus on developing early literacy skills.

In the 3rd session, explore Imaginary Journeys that incorporate learning in mathematics.

In the 4th session, lead Imaginary Journeys that explore life cycles and other science concepts.

Workshop leader, Marcia Daft created these techniques for teachers who have no background in the arts, but are interested in learning how to use music, movement, and imagination to expand student learning.


Grade Level: Pre-K and Kindergarten

Number of Participants: 30

Workshop Time: 3 hours

Workshop Setup

  • LCD Projector and Screen

  • Speakers

  • Chairs arranged in a semicircle facing the screen

  • Dry Erase Board with Dry Erase markers

  • Flip Chart Paper and Markers

Resources Required

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